i av jus red de fing wot WJ rote on de toob syte abowt de fkin powa tewels an ow too yewse dem . wot a eksellennt articul itt waz. yew cann orl resst ashured dat dis nollij waz gaynd bi de fkin ecksperiense nott lissenin too sum uvver nobburs bollix. dis iz wy WJ az ownly gott forr fingas lefft an sicks tows an iz missin iz rite fut an az ownly gott wan eer. ifn yew gow rownd too sea im an hees fukt offff owt doin fings wot dem scoch gitts doo lyke tossin caybers an untin aggisis yew cann stil gett too sea a fare bitt ov im lyin onn de fkin werkshopp flore
i red wot hee sed abowt a rooter bein a fkin giroscowpe sow i didd a likkul ecksperimunt. i putt mi nippas rowlerbewts onn an gott old ov de werlds biggist fkin rooter. hees fkin rite. sumtymes thay doo fite bakk an sumtymes thay doo fkin winn. i shud bee owt ov de fkin ospital by toosdaiy.
Yes as WJ knows so much about tewels perhaps he can tell me how to work my Dewalt radialarm saw. It goes round kwite fast and cuts the fkkn wood KO but I can't tune the fkkr to Radio3 nor get it to wake me up in the morning neither
wel de fkin dockter az jus bin rownd an hee sed i cud gow ome. hee axed mee ow i fellt an i sed itt fkin hirts wen i presss heer heer heer an heer. dats cuz yoove gott a browken finnga yew ****t hee sed.
i axed im wy hee waz tryin too rite onn mi fkin nowtes wiv a rektul fermomomeeter. he sed nirse cann yew gett mi penn owt ov dis pashunts arrse pleeze
i orlso axed im wy de fkin nirse giv mee a vyaggra tablit lasst nite. dat waz too stopp yew rowlin owt ov de fkin bedd yew nobbur
wel spottid mississ. itts nise too see dat sumboddys onn de fkin borl. itts obvyus dat yew wasunt az pist lasst nite az evveryboddy sez yew waz.
enywaiys itts a wel nowen fakt dat dem jokkstrapps arr fkin mewtashuns ov de yewman rase. eyve bin too jokklannd an orl de fkkers arr powtayto faiced wiv a big wort wiv a bigg hare cumin owt ov itt onn der faices.
wen hee lornchis dat fkin bote dat hees bilt wee shud starrt corlin im parrahanndy