The BoatNet centre

Rogue Wave

Senior member
Mar 12, 2004
Cruising area
Boat name
Dyna Mo Humm
Boat make
Avon Searider 8.4mmmm
Cat 4216 450hp
We have outgrown our place at Saxon Wharf (Southampton) and are looking to relocate to a bigger unit with more storage and better workshops and training facilities. We have found a very interesting place on the River, and it is our intention to turn this into a Rib\sportsboat centre.

We only intend to offer twenty Secure storage spaces ( 5 of which will be inside a building) and have placed 10 of these. So if anybody is looking for secure storage space please let me know. Our prices wont be any cheaper than the going rate but we are hoping that we can offer the best service possible by adding value.

One of our intentions is to provide a workshop facility for our customers (subject to H & S approval) equiped with engine hoists pillar drills etc so that they can do their own maintenance if needed.

If any body has any ideas in what they would like to see or have in a small boat facility please let me know as I would like to make it the coolest place around.


Cool name! How did you think of it? :D
Matt said:
Will the BOATnet and RIBMad centre's be running in competition? :D

I wonder which will be the 'serious/anorak' centre and which the comic version? :booty:
Just did a search on your sig Lou, 'May barbarians invade your
personal space!'

I can't imagine who you intended that line for! lol
:dizzy: :dizzy: :dizzy: :bang: :bang: :bolt: :hugegrin: :violin: :chomp:

Well there ya go! I'm a 'complete and utter Ginger tosser'!
Johnson said:
:dizzy: :dizzy: :dizzy: :bang: :bang: :bolt: :hugegrin: :violin: :chomp:

Well there ya go! I'm a 'complete and utter Ginger tosser'!

No you're not. I'm sure I saw a few grey hairs! :bolt:
I'm Ungry! anyone fancy a Kentucky?
Matt said:
Will the BOATnet and RIBMad centre's be running in competition? :D

I'd rather hoped they would be a shining exaple of symbiosis!

the final name will be decided depending on how many ribs/hardboats I get.
Thanks for pointing that out Lou!
I aim to please! :D

P.S. In case it takes you another few months to notice - I've added to my sig - hope you like it!

P.P.S. I'm going for the World Record for the longest sig. :D
rowgscratcher said:
the final name will be decided depending on how many ribs/hardboats I get.

Very clever Mr Scratcher, very clever!
Universal Moderator! Oh no, what will all us mere 'Global Moderators' do now? it'll be tears at bedtime on a few other forums tonight, you can rest assured of that.
Right well I'm going to set up my own forum then and you can't be a moderator on it. So there! So I'll be the most important one. And I'm gonna be the super ultimate universal moderator. And I'm gonna give myself a billion stars after my name to show how important I am. So there. :booty:
Stars after your name/stutus! now there's a idea! hands up every moderator who'd like some stars after their name.
There's nothing ostentatious about 5 gold stars after your name! especially when 20% of the membership have them.
well thanks for all the useful ideas! apart from Gold stars is there anything else you would like to see.!

Lets start with what sort of tools/ekwipment you'd like to be see available?
7 or 14 pound flogger or sledge!

I've bough a fairly meeting compressor 400 kwid from machine mart., what sort of air tools would you like to see?
rowgscratcher said:

Lets start with what sort of tools/ekwipment you'd like to be see available?

Kettle, microwave, barbeque, deep fat fryer, blender, ice machine, fridge, wide screen tv, sky, video, stereo and a PC with internet access!!!:D

Oh, and a hose pipe!

a large food waste bin big enough to take pizza boxes,and bargin buckets, when vistors come round