The Devil


Senior member
Mar 31, 2004
Weston Super Mare
Johnnys Boat


  • dscf0021.jpg
    74.2 KB · Views: 706
GArf just posted this

fuk mee dats wan bigg worl in de furst pikk. i didunt noe westun sooper mair ad a peece deevide. an i sea dat peepul stil liv inn cownsil howsis der. ow kwaint. cozzie an a spead bote in de fkin dryve butt stil down't paiy de fkin rennt
Burty said:
GArf just posted this

fuk mee dats wan bigg worl in de furst pikk. i didunt noe westun sooper mair ad a peece deevide. an i sea dat peepul stil liv inn cownsil howsis der. ow kwaint. cozzie an a spead bote in de fkin dryve butt stil down't paiy de fkin rennt
Burty said:
GArf just posted this

fank yew forr reeinstaytin mi powst birty dood. dat likkul fkin itler dowen inn shepurtun ad de fkin nirve too modderait mee inn caise de powst waz ofensiv too eny fkkers dat livd inn cownsil howsis orr drowve cozzis . fuk meee i fink heez tirnin orl libberul onn uss.

mynd yew dem cozzi mobb arr a bitt fkin sensitiv. yew tel em dat a skooby orr a evvo iz a beter mowtor an thay gow orl redd in de fkin fizza an starrt lyke a

oops, i thought you had deleted it yourself after deciding that its only council houses that have big enough drives for a car and a boat:D
Burty said:
oops, i thought you had deleted it yourself

fuk mee birty dood. yew av owt modderaytid de fkin moderayter. yewl bee inn iz likkul blakk buk. woch yorr fkin stepp. heez gott cawsican blud inn iz fkin vayns wich meens a looong memawry.

pRobubly inn fawty yeers tyme yorr fkin carr wil bloww upp wen yew tirn de bastud kee.

The gArfish said:
fuk mee birty dood. yew av owt modderaytid de fkin moderayter. yewl bee inn iz likkul blakk buk. woch yorr fkin stepp. heez gott cawsican blud inn iz fkin vayns wich meens a looong memawry.

pRobubly inn fawty yeers tyme yorr fkin carr wil bloww upp wen yew tirn de bastud kee.


Dude do you know english? its just taken me like 5mins to read and digest that!:D
Bourty: Is that a stock XR2? Looks like the cowling is 2,0 or 2,5 non Hi-Performance motor. Or is this a special version? Just curious...
The powerhead is a 2.4 200. Its an 80's stock xr2 cowl that has been painted and had new stickers. It has the front air intake cover form a 90's high performance cowl and a lower alien cowl that from a distance does make it look a bit like the standard clam shell setup. :)


  • redsmotor.jpg
    32.8 KB · Views: 343
I'd be well happy with blue peter job!!!

Anyway LSOP, you dont know what tricks i may have up me sleeves!

Just wondered why you had a mishmash...........all be it; a very, very nice looking one?