The King is dead Long live the King (Merc 2 Stroke Replacement)


Sep 21, 2004
Cruising area
Any Seedy Bar
Boat name
Boat make
Midas 27' Cat, Argo 16 Cat. Avon Rib Thingy
Merc 280-ROS -JSRE,65Xs, 75 Stinger, Yam 60
The King is dead Long live the King (Merc 2 Stroke Replacement)

With the Hi performace 2 stroke range in it's final stage. What if anything is the designated replacement.
Sure I have seen & read a few bits on Scream & Fly but it all seems a little foggy.
looking at the weights of the engines by going to 4 stoke (Coal Burner) it weighs 1/2 as much again over the 2 stroke (Oil Burner).
Any ideas as to any high performace plans with the coal burners to overcome the extra weight & service penalties (far more complex to work on)
We all know about the enviromental issue that drove this but, does it have to be so HEAVY ????
I think the 'designated replacement' for an xr2 is the 200xs, which in 15" mid for I've been told is only 10kg more than the 20" carbed xr2. It's also a 2.5 motor, so you'd expect it to be a bit more tractable.
Re: The King is dead Long live the King (Merc 2 Stroke Replacement)

BluFin said:
With the Hi performace 2 stroke range in it's final stage. What if anything is the designated replacement.
Sure I have seen & read a few bits on Scream & Fly but it all seems a little foggy.
looking at the weights of the engines by going to 4 stoke (Coal Burner) it weighs 1/2 as much again over the 2 stroke (Oil Burner).
Any ideas as to any high performace plans with the coal burners to overcome the extra weight & service penalties (far more complex to work on)
We all know about the enviromental issue that drove this but, does it have to be so HEAVY ????

I am not convinced that the 2 stroke has had its day.

The Evinrude reps now have data provided by (I think) the US Environmental Protection Agency which demonstrate that their emissions are similar, or less than, equivalent 4 stroke out boards. The reasons are a combination of smarter technology and crucially a "like for like" emissions calculation. This refers to the fact that when comparing emissions the EPA now include a value for dumping the oil in a 4 stroke when it is changed. All this suggests to me that 2 strokes will not be legislated off the water.

Our 250 Etec uses no more fuel than the BF 225 Honda it replaced, and it weighs about 55kgs less.
The future of two Strokes lies in Fuel injecting them. This decreases their emmision outputs considerably.

The technology is still in its infancy though.
It's just as i was looking at the specs I find it quite alarming that your good old oil burner can push out 280hp from a motor weighing397lbs the nearesest Verado coal burner pushing out 275 comes in at a wooping 635lbs. Thats one fekn hell of an increase on the transom with no great advantage. I just dont see any P20, p21 or anything else around at the moment really taking to these new motors very well.
I dont even think the bernico Triple 21 would even float !!
At least the UIM has shown some good sence in this matter and said that the XR2 can continue running untill 70% of the international fleet are equiped with EPA engines and then the following year all class 3 must conform. We will probially get another 4/5 years out of them if you listen to other foriegn competitors.