Three wimmin!!!

jackeen's Missus

Senior member
Mar 13, 2004
The Pit
Hang on...I've just checked and we laydees have taken over for a moment!!!!

'There are currently 3 members and 13 guests on the boards.
jackeen's Missus, Mrs. JW., willowkis'

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jackeen's Missus said:
Hang on...I've just checked and we laydees have taken over for a moment!!!!

'There are currently 3 members and 13 guests on the boards.
jackeen's Missus, Mrs. JW., willowkis'

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I knew the women would take-over sooner or later :bang: :bang: :bang:
Congratulations girls, fantastic achievment, now I only need to get my Missus to be active on the forum instead of playing solataire on my laptop when I am not home.
:hugegrin: :aaahhh: :cheers: :duell: :laugh:
bogib said:
Congratulations girls, fantastic achievment, now I only need to get my Missus to be active on the forum instead of playing solataire on my laptop when I am not home.
:hugegrin: :aaahhh: :cheers: :duell: :laugh:

Thats a great idea Bogi...... the more women the better :argue: :bang: :up:
Go Steinunn.

OK just about to do some research into wimmin members.
Will report back shortly.
1) Drivers Wharf Laydees
2) Gypsy
3) Jackeen's Missus
4) Mrs F (AWOL)
5) Mrs gArf (AWOL)
6) Mrs JW
7) Mrs Nobber
8) Mrs Rogue Wave
9) Red Mist Chick (AWOL)
10)Steinunn (honorary)
11) Willowkis


(Might start a recruitment drive...!!!
How about The Rib Trollop from Ribnet, Jono's better 1/2 Amy, the Dragon, a certain hairdresser from Anglesea, and various other Missuses/ girlfriends who must have many a tale to tell...??)
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jackeen's Missus said:
Hang on...I've just checked and we laydees have taken over for a moment!!!!

'There are currently 3 members .
jackeen's Missus, Mrs. JW., willowkis'

One more and we'd have a wind tunnel!
Oh and how about Mrs TD or is she sick to death of all things boating?
I think Cookee is still lookin for a replacement but he's a bit fussy. She'll have to have CE markings!!!

jackeen's Missus said:
Oh and how about Mrs TD or is she sick to death of all things boating?
I think Cookee is still lookin for a replacement but he's a bit fussy. She'll have to have CE markings!!!


Schh, she doesn't know about forums, she thinks I'm in my office downloading porn!
jackeen's Missus said:

I think Cookee is still lookin for a replacement but he's a bit fussy. She'll have to have CE markings!!!


I think the CE thing is all sorted now!

Not bothered about a CE mark although I am more partial to slim blondes - know any? Maybe I should head off to Iceland! :drain: :drain: :drain:
There are bunch of them here Icelandair tells everybody so at least. I may have to look out for them and if I find any I will pm you Cookee !!!
:facelick: :D :sex: :snide:
You could make friends with the new Nowegian geezer...!!!

I'll keep me eyes open for you Cookee...all the young attractive wimmin I know are in relationships at the mo.

(Well done on for helping clarify things BTW. Helps us stooopid peeps to know what to ask.)

Thanks Missus - quite happy to wait for the right one to come along so no rush - I'm not desperate - yet! :drain: :shag: :drain:
Your signatures don't help your case Cooks.
You'll have to multitask if you're going to keep the wimmin happy..


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Actually Bogi I think they may be a problem...something only the IT eggsperts know about...
I use HTML for them and that may be a security issue...JF has switched off the facility on every other forum after a tipoff from the big Boss next door.
It still exists on Torkin Bollix but if it's likely to cause any trouble wotsoever I'd like HTML disabled here too...

Missus (Paul's laughing at me now cos he knows I don't really know what I'm torkin about!!!!)


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May I join the club it is latin to me I will have to ask Jón Baldur or Ingi Björn to explain it simply for their old man :hugegrin:
You can find a good stock on Google if you search for smilies.

But again...I'll stop using em if there's a prob.


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(I fekkin hate Sunday did you manage to mix up all the panadols in the factory today?)
It was nightmare as I explained to Willowkis see below:

Today was terrible at work, started nicely when we took down and completed working with the Dicliofenac after drying, when we where to wetting next two lots of Diclofenac the pressure inhalation tank for the ethanol was dirty and when I tried to call Halldora the chief of the washing/cleaning team she has her phone switched off so we couldn´t finish the granulation until this evening when the evening shift starts at 16.00 hours including the cleaning team, and we need two equipment which are stuck in the Diclofenac project for another production tonight but this will probably not happened so my shift will start making the Ciprofloxasin tomorrow morning.
So there will be a bit of fight at the meeting tomorrow morning due to this s**t so I was not in good mood when I wrote my last message. I was also preparing myself for the Amsterdam trip on Tuesday morning.
No we leave that to Pfizer but never know we may come up with generic option, then probably we will have the ladies working on that otherwise we may have er****n day in day out :well: :well: :well: