Dave, your bolts are 1/2" unc.
Frenchbruno why are you recommending grade 8.8 and grade 5 when 12.9 is stronger in sheer as well as tensile strength, its also what Mercrury fit as standard!
Not exactly ROSSM!
I've a merc racing engine too, 250 XS mod 2004 and the upper mount bolt are stamped grade 8.8, and it's original bolt form MERC racing factory, after 10 years of use they are still at the same location.
For the use of like 12.9 I've seen several times they don't like shear effect and hi vibration installations.
On some German engine too , after discussion with engineer from the builder following warranty problem on massive broken bolts, they proposed when the bolt is made in a hi grade if you need more ''elesticity'', install a longer bolt and a spacer on it( this proposal works at perfection). For this application it's not possible.
So after another discussion with 2 another mecanical engineers againfor Dave's problem, they agree to reduce the grade to grade 8.8 than using grade 12.9 which apparently breaks on Dave's 300XS.
on serail 1E052058 and up the screw rep 21 is sold in 2 references
8M0000517 which is M12x190
108M0000517 wich is M12x175
I don't have the serial number of daves engine so Metric is a possibility
on serial 1E001867 thru 1E052057
Serial 1E051205 & Up the screw reference is
8M0000517 which is M12x190
on serial 1E051204 and below the bolt reference is: 108495811
diam 1/2-13 lenght 7.75 inches
That's why I wrote the bolt is possibly a metric size, but Dave with his serial number will be able now to find out the good reference for his engine.
Over torque is also a possibility of the broken bolt on Dave engine.
Hope this explanation is good enough now....