unknown fletcher


Junior Member
Mar 24, 2005
Boat name
no name yet
Boat make
fletcher 15'
i need some help identifying my fletcher, this is my first boat and requires a lot of work, its 15' speed boat fletcher decal on the side and a fletcher steering wheel, i think it could be from the 80's and i assume an arrowflash, but i have been unable to find any other pictures that look the same, i have tried the fletcher boat manufacturer but as yet they haven't come up with anything, any help would be greatley appreciated, i would also like to know, max suitable engine size, how many people could get in it and a lot more.

i have more pictures if anyone is interested!

much appreciated,


  • image099.jpg
    16.1 KB · Views: 356
I asume you mean the 1880's,

This definately isnt a 1980 Fletcher model.

Looks kinda Shakespearish to me and probably from the 70's.
It is a Fletcher.

Not sure when that was a current model, probably late 60's/70's

Neil Holmes (Phantom Evolution) would be able to add some info, I think they were used a bit in ski racing a good few years back.

Neil posted a pic of one once with triple Merc straight 6's on it! :hugegrin:
It's a 149 Fletcher, circa 1969, old, but pretty good in it's day.

Floor usually rots out and deck comes away from hull.
Floor usually rots out and deck comes away from hull.

Sounds pretty familiar, but I guess we are talking fkkn old boats.
much appreciated

thanks a lot, thats a great help it does say v149 on the side but when i couldn't find any info i assumed that was the registration number, your right about the floor i have just replaced it, thanks for all your help !
I had a boat very similar to that one about 10 years ago, it was 16' but the bow was a little different. The flat forward facing section on the nose was only half as wide and the curvature under the bow started a little further back. It's probably the same boat with a foot stuck on the bow.
I never properly identified the boat but 2 people that 'knew' said it was a fletcher.
Does it have two raised sections about 10" high running fore and aft in the cockpit, leaving about an 18" walk way up the centre.

It was a good boat as my first speedboat, it was VERY unstable and sensitive to weight placement.
I nearly barel rolled it a couple of times crossing messy chop, one time right up on it's side, scared the $hit out of me. I also stuffed it once and lost the windshield.
I had engines from a 40 evinrude, 55 johnson to 60hp mariner on the back and thought it could do with heaps more power. A V4 140 would have done the trick I think, but cashflow and parents resticted it as I was only 14/15 at the time.

Post some more pics of it.
I think theres some poleroids of my old one around somewhere.