Video to CD


Senior member
Mar 21, 2004
I need a clip from a video recording transferred onto DVD, can anyone help please?
i've got a tv card on my pc.......many moons ago i tuned it into my vid frequency and captured it @640x480. (by simply playing the vid and hitting record on my pc).

i then let nero do all the hard work!
so what are you saying??? you can do it ?
i'm sure someone on here has got a dvd player/recorder which is hooked up to a vcr??? :confused: :confused:
If nooone here has a decent dedicated machine (and I suspect it'll either be Matt or Jonny)...then i'll happilly make a hash of it for you!

Just no original tapes please......I dont want the responsibility for what my VCR could do to it!
Captain Chaos said:
Just no original tapes please......I dont want the responsibility for what my VCR could do to it!

oh feck me,

anyone got vcr to vcr:drain: :well:
wotz it on, VHS?

If so, bring it on the video night, and i'll put it on DVD for you.

if it's on a camcorder, bring the camcorder along too.
oooo yer a foookin star!

Its my "claim to fame", when i was producing the Seaquel14, as a promotion i gave one away as a prize with boatmart at the Sarfamton Boat show, subsequently Central news did a slot on us at the factory and on chase water.
AND its the only moving picture of my old man when he was alive!(its the day today that he passed away, 30th)

Well geeza, bring it along, and we'll knock up a copy or two.

A word of warning tho', early DVD players don't generaly play DVD-R's, so you'll need a new-ish player, or a PC player

I got a Sony DAV S-400:confused:

Tell me wot disks to get...........
Don't worry about the discs, I've got loads.
Just done some research, looks like your Sony won't play a DVD-R, but will play a VCD, i'll give it some thought, but whatever, we'll make a couple of DVD's for archive.
ok, my laptop should play cd-r? 12 months old ?
I've still got your boatmart write-up in one of me boxes somwhere!

it'll be cool to see it whizzing about.....yellow/white by chance?
Captain Chaos said:
I've still got your boatmart write-up in one of me boxes .....yellow/white by chance?

thats the 1 !!
If you get stuck try calling clare at white tiger creative. she has been doing all our ocr stuff for a few years and turns out excellant results for peanuts (dry roasted). I know coverting video onto dvd format isn't as simple as it sounds.
heres a link
Thanks for that. will keep in mind if all else fails:up: