Wanted- Clutch slave..


Senior member
Mar 12, 2004
Wanted - one clutch slave cylinder for a Coles 16T 4x4... oh, and one roller shutter door and a cab unit for a Leyland 7.5 tonner.....

Note to self.. *Remember where the engine stop is*...:(
:aaahhh: :aaahhh: :aaahhh: :aaahhh:

No!...carefull with my feckin crane you!
Re: Re: Wanted- Clutch slave..

Matt said:
On the end of the long piece of string I think. :dizzy:

Eyes like a Hawk, you young Fecka! However, I had had it changed for a proper cable operated one... so when the crunch came...guess who grabbed for the bit of string?:bang:

Still, nothing that we can't fix.. and it was a reminder for me to drop the gearbox 'n free the clutch off properly..Doh!:D
If you have really knackred the lorry cab there is a big truck scrapyard near us . I'll go and have a look if you want.

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