Wanted, Tacho and Prop


Senior member
Dec 2, 2004
Just North of Pompey
Cruising area
Boat name
The Nashers Revenge!
Boat make
Ocean 6.25
Suzi-wong 200HP EFI
Looking for a Tacho and Prop for my Johnson 150VRO.

Current prop is too small at 15 x 17

giving me 38 knots at WOT on 6.25m Boat.


Don't know any more about it other than whats on the web site.

Paid £10 for it about 20 years ago to a scrap metal dealer who didn't have the heart to scrap it.

Various Museums have asked me to donate it, but as it owes me so little I'll keep it.

One day I'll put an engine in it, and see how far I can get into Portsmouth harbour before I'm stopped

What landing craft / website?
Anybody any idea what the assult crafts worth?

I'm, looking to swap the old Johnson for a 175 or 200HP E-tec next year, so will be scavenging for cash wherever I can.

Who you calling "Tin"?
C'mon guys, I'm looking for a Tacho that will work with my old Johnson 150HP VRO V6 2-stroke.

When I know the revs I'll be looking for a new prop no doubt.

Don't really care what it is as long as it works, although I'd rather a larger format rather than the small 52mm jobs.

Don't want to spend too much as I'm trying to make the most of the old engine for about a year, after which I'm splashing out on a 200HP E-TECH.


Its on a 6.25M Ocean RIB.

Current prop is a 15x17 and is giving me only about 38 Knots with two adults on board.

I'm convinced its under propped, but without knowing the revs I can't be sure.

Nice engine, sounds a bit to Busy for my liking at WOT which probably means its over revving because of the small prop.

I'm going to change it late next year to increase my range, as currently I can't carry enough fuel to make it down to the Channel Islands.

Also, if the boats built for 200HP why not put 200HP on it. Just can't afford it at the moment.

Nasher, there was a crew who used to import ex Gulf war Johnson VRO motors. I think they were at Hayling Island but I can't remember their name. They also sold Ballistic ribs. A E T Marine has jsut come to mind but that might be completely wrong. Anyway, they may have what you need. You should be able to find a new tacho for 50-60ish kwid.
It was AET marine. One of the guys running it was called Steve, realy helpfull bloke. He started off working for Paul Lemmer at bwm.
Merc Tacho £30.00 incl postage


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I've been warned that the quicksilver gauges are configured for 4-strokes only.

If I connect the signal terminal to one of the coil feeds will it not multiply that up by 2, ie 1 rev in 2 is ignition, rather than ignition on each rev like a 2-stroke, the result being it'll show twice the revs.

Unless of course the Merc 4-strokes work on the wasted spark system similar to Jap Bikes?

God I don't know! HELP

OB's usually take their signal from the 12 pole alternator.
Nasher said:

I've been warned that the quicksilver gauges are configured for 4-strokes only.


Have you been talking to Manos?:D

According to the Mercury Parts Book, "The Merc Tacho 79-816833 is for all electric start outboards equiped with either a 4,6,8 or 12 pole alternator, as well as sterndrives and outboards".

Why don't you PM your address, and you can try it first if your unsure!

PM'd you, I'll buy it anyway and figure out where to take the signal from.

Manos is not to blame by the way.
