What's this?


Senior member
Mar 19, 2004
Cruising area
Mobjack Bay (where?)
Boat name
A Little Noisy
Boat make
Excalibur 24
Express Racing 525
Any ideas? (not Jonny or TD)


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It's a boat! What do I win? :D
Gav 71: No
Mrs. Nobber: Yes but we need to be a bit more specific.

Cillit Bang would be an impressive prize but I'm sure there's something more worthwhile. The George Forman grill perhaps or the 'new' Cliff Richard Christmas CD.
Ben said:
Cillit Bang would be an impressive prize but I'm sure there's something more worthwhile. The George Forman grill perhaps or the 'new' Cliff Richard Christmas CD.

Hey are you Father Christmas? Sounds like you've been reading my Christmas wish list. :D

OK as the prize is so good I'll put a bit more effort in. It's a big white boat with a pointed bow and 500 written on it in big letters. Sorry - I meant to say numerals. Is that specific enough for you? :banana:
Much to my chagrin Mrs. Nobber, you are close to being eliminated from the competition as you have made the assumption that the boat is big. It isn't as it measures only 23'.

If it is of any help at all, the owner at the time that the boat first raced in the mid 60's might have preferred a shandy (or a magnum of champagne) but his Lordship that raced at the time with him would not have heard of it. He would have rather disappeared. Then again, it might have been a good formula for an escape into oblivion.
Lord Lucan and his boat 'White Migrant'.
Dam'n your'e good considering you had the answer before I did my last post with the various hints.

The boat 'Ultmatum' is now down in Littlehampton and looking a bit sad - a fate given its heritage it doesn't deserve. I'm sure it could be bought for not a lot of money. Tony Dowley installed a new engine and drive in 94 and it has probably done 10 hours since then.

It is a piece of powerboating history just waiting to be ressurected.
Ultimatum was (is) a Magnum.

It does get confusing with the Aronow stuff. It probably should have been a Formula.
ive been searching for that bloody boat for ages, the second name i typed into google was a fkkin formula, but didnt come up with anything! Oh Bo**ocks!!!!!

I,m not playing anymore......................

Anyways, i,m far far too young to know anything about this lordy lucan............:cry: :cry:

I spoke only a couple of days ago with Tony Dowley about that boat, and said he should throw some of his money at it and have a nice piece of racing history restored to it's original look.
Matt said:
Is it correct that lucan also raced a Formula?

Yep. The Magnum belonged to Bill Shand-Kydd.
did you buy one of them after all!

Miss Pinky only 45.95 boy give her a try!

Who sang that then.